
Nature’s Beauty Water Gardens has been centering their business around water gardens for over 25 years. During this time we have come to appreciate the effect owning a water garden has on our customers lifestyle! A water garden has helped our customers de-stress and provided relaxation for the whole family. It’s our passion to create a personalized paradise for your very own backyard! A water garden can have a relaxing affect for the whole family. In the yard it attracts attention bringing color, movement and life to an otherwise plain expanse of grass.

Water features can take many forms and be as unique as each owner.



Ecosystem ponds create endless hours of relaxation and interaction. Providing a calming sense of and serenity they provide the opportunity to sweep you away from the daily pressures of life and enjoy the soothing sound of your own waterfall. A tranquil and delightful setting, the burbling of the falls can push the cares of the day aside.

Delight in the graceful movements of the pond’s resident fish. The peaceful sweet smell of the plants and flowers surround you, just a few steps out your back door. A low-maintenance, refreshing paradise can add value to your home and your lifestyle. Let us show you how.




Pondless Waterfalls are a great choice for those who want the presence and sound of a waterfall without the maintenance of the pond itself. The water circulates from a hidden reservoir at the bottom of the falls. This eliminates safety concerns some have for small children.

Well suited to tight spots. Pondless waterfalls often work well in the front of a home where spaces can be limited yet, still provide the tranquil setting and soothing space that come with a water feature. Waterfalls can be configured to provide effects all the way from a noisily crashing falls that grabs your attention all the way to a delicately burbling cascade.




Fountains as a main feature or as a surprise along a garden path are another great way to add a water feature. If you have limited space, want water in your yard without a larger feature or just want to introduce some art this may be the perfect choice for you.

Fountains provide a unique addition to your outdoor living space. Many enjoy not only the soothing appeal from the running water, but also, the variety of fountains themselves. Ranging from simple. such as a simple rock column from which a fountain flows, to an ornate and beautifully crafted statue from which water rushes, fountains can provide that unique element to your backyard paradise.



Check out the Video Gallery for examples of how water features can add excitement, movement and life to your yard or examine your dream water feature!


View Your Dream Water feature !

photos courtesy Aquascape®